If your password doesn't work

Forgot your password?

Have you forgotten your password?
Or is it coming back to same login page when you enter your username and password?

Please make sure you enter both username and passwords correctly.
Both username and password are case sensitive

For example:
If the username Doctrix team created is John.D@synergenhealth.com
Then if you try john.d@synergenhealth.com in the login page it will not work. 

If you use the correct username (in correct cases as above) and the last password as you remember, but still doesn't work, please raise a support ticket for us to reset and send you a new password. 

Then you'll receive your new password in separate encrypted email.

Make sure you enter your Name and email address correctly on the support ticket fields. Our team will reach out to you for the verification purpose before we reset your Doctrix password.

Choose 'User Access Request' in the Classification field.

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